ARMOR IIMAKWelcome to your dedicated ARMOR-IIMAK Library

Define your own user profile to benefit from a personalized experience and dedicated features


Select your favorite language to get by default your research files in that language (if existing)


Select the back office of your workplace – it will allow you to get the files available in your area (Offer, ISO files, etc.…)

  • We encourage you to select “my customer” to see by default only the branding files of your customer portfolio & all ARMOR-IIMAK files.
  • No customer means: you only get access to ARMOR-IIMAK files.
  • All Customers means : you get access to all branding files + all ARMOR-IIMAK files.

Select your favorite format according to your workplace

For any specific search, you will always have the possibility to change those filters. However, your filters by default will appear again for a new search

Your user profile can be changed on request if needed.

Profile successfuly updated !An error occured
0 files added to zip